Tuesday, May 5, 2020

International Students in Australian Retail and Hospitality Sector Wor

Question: Discuss about the International Students in Australian Retail and Hospitality Sector Workforce. Answer: Introduction The study is all about the development of comprehensive literature review based on the chapters of the research proposal. In this research, it has been identified that what are the results of the previous studies conducted in the similar field. The topic of the study is International Students in Australian retail and hospitality sector workforce. The whole study has worked on the research question demanding for the reasons that have been addressed by the International students regarding shortages of labor in the sectors of Australia. It is the form of information which has discussed the relevant issues, problems and the objectives of the study. The topics in which the literature is reviewed are international education sectors of Australia, labor shortages in hospitality and retail sectors, Loss of international students by Australia and Young workers in retail and hospitality industry of Australia. Literature Review After making the review of all the related literature thoroughly, it has been recognized that the data sources has helped in making identification of the questions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses in the context of the research. International Education Sectors of Australia According to the report of Deloitte Access Economics, International education is contributing around AUS $1 billion to the economy than the previous estimates. This report is commissioned by the Department of Education and Training. Further, description will be provided about the national economic contribution made by the Australian Education through an introduction of wide varieties of courses. International education is among the top two services of the service exports along with the tourism. These are the super-growing sectors of the Australian economy that are transitioning the whole nation into another decade. Its importance can be justified through the growth of international education. 130,000 jobs are created and many businesses are benefitting from it directly and indirectly across the hospitality, property and retail sectors. The hospitality and retail sector is experiencing the critical shortages of qualified and skilled labors. A strong prediction is made by the employmen t forecast about the needs of the future workforces that will be continued in future prospects also(O'Malley, 2016). The Australian students studying retail and hospitality management have chosen theses areas just because of the vocational nature of the program. Additionally, the students are getting the opportunity of doing the part time job available in the hospitality industry. In order to find the strengths of the research, the author has developed some questionnaires that will find that up to which extent the students were involved in the part-time employment jobs amongst the hospitality and retail industry. The questionnaires have solicited the type, level and extent of part-time employment over their career benefits. The main purpose of the research is to find out the problems of labor shortages in the sectors of retail and hospitality. The study has explored the impressions that must be liked or disliked by the part-time employees. On the basis of evaluation of the responses, the engagement of the employees in the hospitality and retail sectors is explored. On the basis of gender and nation ality aspects, the study has identified that female students are more likely to involve in the part-time jobs rather than the male students. Through such analysis, it has been concluded that credit for all such practices should be given to the flexible teaching methods and part-time contracts (Barron Anastasiadou, 2009). According to Richardson (2008), the major concerns of the students of hospitality and retail is to create better relationships with the managers, promotional opportunities, career paths and should offer different opportunities. For Australia, the responses of more than 50% of the respondents are agreed with the view that many students always finds for the opportunities in which they can easily contemplate their career outside the industry. Out of the total, 43.6% of students were agreed with the view that they are not ready to work in the hospitality and retail industry after completing their graduation. 96.3% of workers were citing such decision just because of their experience in the hospitality and retail industry. The present hospitality and retail industry of Australia is stepping towards the career development plan in the industry. This study has used the exploratory approaches and the quantitative methods for gathering the data (Richardson, 2008). This study is exploring the views of the students working in the hospitality and retail sectors as a career choice. If the focus is made on the economic growth of the Australia, then it is found that their growth potential is very strong. It is the reason for the rise in the overseas demands in the hospitality and retail industry. The major constraint that is faced by the Australian economy is the supply constraints. The data for the study is collected from the eight institutions of the Australia. The importance of the ratings is gathered through analyzing it in the light of 20 emerging factors and it is believed that the hospitality industry is the result of one of such factor. The numbers of factors that are significantly different from others are determined through the results derived from making critical observations. For it, the thing that is required is to explore of the students career in the hospitality industry and finds for the factors that are important from their point of view (Richardson, 2009). Labor shortages in Hospitality and Retail Sector As per the views of Withers (2008), Labor shortages are the major bottleneck of the Australian economy. While making a forward look, there is an increase in recognition of the home-grown labor and decrease in the supply of the labor just because of the participation of the plateaus, retirement of baby-boomers and growth in the young workers falls. To some extent, the immigration of the labors is responsible for the increasing pressure and management of the national interests. The main strength of the study is that the concerns of the study about the potential constraints that are affecting the supply of the human capital in the labor market (Withers, 2008). This paper is addressing the biggest issues and challenges that are faced by the hospitality and retail industry of the Australia. The challenges are related to the attraction of the talented professionals in the critical groups of management and the issues are related to their retention. The author has presented their critical thoughts regarding the new recruitments of the hospitality industry and the perceptions related to the graduates working as a hospitality student. This study is examining the state of employment issues existing in the hospitality industry. The discussion was made for the attitudes of the generation taking up the education towards their decisions for their careers. This paper is addressing the potential consequences existing in the hospitality industry(Barron, 2008). The article by Ryan (2007), determined the factors that are regulating about the characters that are established by the market institutions that shapes the responses of the government. With particular concerns for the immigration policies, the issues of labor shortages in Australia mainly in the industry of the hospitality and retail are discussed. Such reaction of the global market has increased the competition in the labor market of Australia and has declined the supply of labor in the market. Many organizations are finding the opportunities through which they can make planning for the policies, strategic marketing, RD and budgeting. It has enhanced the skills levels of the labor available in the market(Ryan, 2007). In this report, it has been addressed that retail, tourism, travel and hospitality industry is continually facing the critical shortages of qualified and skilled labor. With the growth of industry in the market, strategic planning is enabling the businesses to access appropriately towards the skilled forces that are required for maintaining the operations more productive and sustainable. It has been demonstrated in the study that in order to promote the range of labor forces, the thing that is necessary to be developed is the potential that will meet the expectations of the organizations(Benckendorff et al., 2010). Loss of International Students by the Australia According to the report of Australian Trade Commission, the country was ranked under the top 10 for the most multicultural, educated and multilingual labor forces in the world. Many organizations in Australia has reviewed and updated their strategies responsible for the appointment of labors and builds achievements when compared with the previous versions. But after making all such changes in the rules related to the labor forces, the industries like hospitality industry, travel industry, retail industry and the education industry is continuing to address about the problems related to the shortages of labor and skilled workforces in the organization. This study has investigated about different sources that are being responsible for the decrease in the labor supply; they are the building capabilities, requirements of data and the quality issues (Australian Trade Commission, 2016) Wright (2012).has provided the critical concerns about the Australian hospitality industry that due to the global financial downturn, the industries won't be able to attract the sufficient labors forces within the Australian Labor Market. Since, companies are now facing the widespread challenges due to retirements of the aging workforce. This study has developed to explore the perceptions of the students pursuing the courses of retail and hospitality industry(Wright, 2012). According to Eslake Walsh (2011), Retail and the hospitality business are the frontlines of the Australian Economy. The industry have been affected highly by the decreasing labor forces. Many great players of the industry has worked to improve the opportunities for making recognition and supporting the career pathways by retaining the skilled workforce in the industry. There is a discrepancy in the supply of skilled labor and hospitality industries due to linkages between quality and quantity of supply in the market (Eslake Walsh, 2011). Barron (2007) has examined about the personal experiences of the students of the university and the variety, nature and the reasons for the students part-time employment opportunities at the hospitality and the retail industry of Australia. Organizations established in Australia are working to find the range of skills and knowledge that must be possessed by the labors of the organization. The research has also developed an understanding that due to shortages of labor in the organizations, they have failed to develop patterns for the part-time workers in the organization (Barron, 2007). Young workers in retail and hospitality industry of Australia According to the research by Roan Diamond (2003), Australia has subjected to economic downfall by 1990 due to increase in negative work pressure, irregular patterns of working, work intensification and transformation of the notions of the careers. This paper has involved the experience of twenty-two young people of Australia who are at their beginning of their career and experiencing the flexibility of working, career potentials and works life balance in the retail and hospitality industry. At the end of the study, an author has addressed about the management of quality of work life in order to retain the labor and remove the common problems of shortage of labor in the industry(Roan Diamond, 2003). By 2007 just preceding before the Australian Election, much attention should be paid to the national labor laws of Australia. This debate has grouped many people such as youth, migrants, workers and women for individual employment contracts. It has been argued that the labor market is not that much efficient as it was in earlier time period. Many organizations of the country has compelled about the poor conditions of labor employment in the market(Nylanda et al., 2009). The Australian tourism, traveling, retail and hospitality industry is highly concerned about the shortages of skilled labors. The benchmarking report of the Industries 2014 has found that there are 60.8% businesses who all having the vacancies in the organization and out of them 22.3% of businesses are facing difficulty in making the recruitment of skilled labor forces. The most difficult positions are ranked by the operators, workers and the managers among the most difficult positions that must be filled. There is huge amount of job opportunities in the Australian economy but the companies are failing to fill it properly(Hart, 2016). In the recent years, industries like hospitality industry, travel industry and retail industry have explored different areas of management deals mainly with the recruitment of labors in the organization. The research interest includes the higher turnover and higher rate of attrition for labors. Some of the organizations in the industry have seeks to employ cheap labor on different conditions but this is not true for the industries like hospitality and retail industries of Australia. These industries are highly sensitive regarding the rates at which labors are employed in the organization(Service Skills Australia, 2011). Conclusion The study had reviewed various literatures in order to find out the growing importance of International students in retail and hospitality sector of the Australia. A comprehensive plan is developed to review the topic of a business research proposal. It has been found that the reason for the shortages of the labor in the Australian market is due to economic downturns and the huge demands of the organizations established in Australia. Through this study, special form of information is gathered and discussed in the light of strengths and weaknesses reflected by the previous studies related to the current issues. 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