Saturday, December 28, 2019

African Americ Understanding Prejudice, Slavery And The...

Discussion 2 African American ï‚ § Understanding Prejudice, Slavery and the U.S. Presidents Unfortunately, Presidents were not the only Government officials who possessed views on rights and slavery. Congress officials along with the Supreme court also rejected blacks no rights which the white man was bound to respect. Furthermore, George Washington was one of the first to own slaves, along with the highest amount owned in the nation, with an alarming 317. I only guessed about 10 slaves and I was way off. However, even after slavery had ended it was noted that many Presidents thereafter would still exhibit radical prejudice. Further, Thomas Jefferson owned the second largest amount of slaves with a total of 237, he was also the first president to have had a slave child born in the White House. Unfortunately, with Slaves also came punishment, more common of these were whipping or beating and chaining or handcuffing. Despite the cruel means of punishment all three of the U.S. presidents with the highest amount of slaves owned also are on U.S. currency. In addition to, replac ing the face on the U.S. $20 bill, from Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman, this is something I did not know. ï‚ § Slavery by Another Name Vagrancy was a law set in place for any individual who could not prove that he or she was currently employed, in addition to harsh punishments for paying off hefty fine included working in the mines. Green Cottenham was convicted guilty and sentence to 30 days of hard

Friday, December 20, 2019

The View Of Inhumanity In The Lottery, By Shirley Jackson

Lotteries generally bring riches to the winner however that’s not the case in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story, â€Å"The Lottery,† published June, 1948. The story starts out very pleasant and calm with a tiny flinch of nervousness from the lottery participants. It seems at first that the winner of the lottery would get a somewhat significant prize considering all the build up to the big prize reveal, however, the winner, Tessie Hutchinson, ends up getting stoned to death by the kids and adults alike. Instead of a big happy prize Jackson wrote the story to point out meaningless victimization and inhumane activities that have taken place throughout history. Some violent and dark events of that time that highlight Jackson’s viewpoint of inhumanity†¦show more content†¦The reader is once again put on the wrong scent through clever use of seemingly useless details when she reveals the strong impact it has on the community, it promotes unavoidable barbari sm. Jackson overloads the reader with even more innocence by including the children playing in the background while they wait for the lottery to start. The kids had just started their summer break and they â€Å"broke into boisterous play,† they played with rocks till made â€Å"a great pile of stones.† Children are the prime suspects of innocence, they lack the intellect to know what’s right or wrong and they are simply too young to be thought of as devilish creatures. However, the same pile of stones they made is used to kill Tessie Hutchinson and the â€Å"innocent† children participate in the murder. Jackson includes the fact that the villagers converse to show the calmness of the villagers themselves. The men got together and talked of â€Å"planting and rain, tractors and taxes,† they also joked quietly where they â€Å"smiled rather than laughed.† The whole ordeal is well executed and shows that the villagers know how to converse form ally, it gives the impression that they are worry-free of the lottery. When time comes the reader can see that their calm impression is fake and that they are actually very nervous about the consequences ofShow MoreRelatedThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson1391 Words   |  6 PagesMarina Grishechkina Professor Abbott English 126 April 6, 2016 â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson â€Å"The Lottery† introduces the reader to a cruel ritual of the village where people gather together to participate in the annual elimination of a random villager. Superficially friendly mood in the town at the beginning of the story was replaced by hostile and violent human behavior at the end. Warm and sunny summer morning didRead MoreThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson942 Words   |  4 PagesShort Fiction Essay: The Lottery General inhumanity and violence typically manifests itself in an extensive, controversial manner such as the Holocaust, World War II, and the enslavement of African Americans. However, atrocities and brutality invade the life of an everyday individual in a more inconspicuous manner that may be overlooked or not considered unjust behavior against their fellow man. Shirley Jackson, author of literary classic The Lottery, begins by describing what appears to be a pleasantRead MoreThe Lottery Point of View Paper867 Words   |  4 PagesThe Lottery Point of View Shirley Jackson’s choice of point of view in â€Å"The Lottery† is that of being told in the third person. The story is told more by an observer’s point of view rather than that of a participant. In â€Å"The Lottery† she illustrates how what is being done to the family members, of people in the village, is an act of pointless bloodshed. It isn’t clear as to why they carry on with the ancient rite but what is clear is that the people in the village are obedient to the past law andRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery, And Kurt Vonnegut Jr. s Harrison Bergeron1604 Words   |  7 PagesA common theme of placing societal influences over personal values and beliefs can be found in Shirley Jackson’s, â€Å"The Lottery†, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†. These short stories describe situations in which the citizens allow the superiors to have full control, without thinking twice about the laws and traditions that require their submission. Both of these short stories are similar in theme, because each tells about a community that chooses to participate in cruel and inhumane traditionsRead MoreAlienation Of The Individual From Society955 Words   |  4 Pagesand Tessie within â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson both demonstrate the issue of alienation of the individual from society. It is expressed within both readings that as individuals we are often aliened by others although influence of the individual in relation to the communities around them many individuals cannot exist within society as a free-thinking, autonomous person. Within â€Å"The Lottery†, the author Shirley Jackson emphasizes on the idea of the â€Å"lottery† where a list of names fromRead More Essay on Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Inhumanity Exposed1161 Words   |  5 Pages Inhumanity Exposed in The Lottery nbsp; The story entitled The Lottery, written by Shirley Jackson is an intriguing and shocking parable. The Lottery is set in a small village on a clear summer day. Written in objective third person point of view, The Lottery keeps the reader in suspense as the story progresses. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The story begins June 27th on a clear and sunnyfull-summer day. From the very beginning, irony occurs in the storyRead MoreHumanity And Inhumanity In The Lottery, By Shirley Jackson778 Words   |  4 Pageswhat it seems. Hearing the word â€Å"lottery† usually develops a positive connotation in the mind of the reader, associating it with pleasure, good fortune and happiness; however, in â€Å"The Lottery,† the winner is rewarded by being brutally stoned by her neighbors and believed friends. â€Å"The Lottery,† written by Shirley Jackson in 1948, highlights how complacently our society reacts to the pointless brutality and inhumanity towards others. To demonstrate this, Jackson examines social constructs, women’sRead MorePlot over The Lottery1503 Words   |  7 Pages   An Imperfect Society      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shirley Jackson wrote â€Å"The Lottery† in 1948 with a purpose in mind.  Upon hearing the title, many readers think about a lottery in people want to win due to the fact that they could win millions of dollars.  However, this is not the case in Jackson’s version where the lottery is one in which the winner is stoned to death.  Jackson’s focus in this story is that society is flawed, imperfect, and sometimes stuck in the past.  She declared that her purpose was â€Å"toRead MoreExpect the Unexpected1898 Words   |  8 PagesExpect the Unexpected What thoughts come to mind when you think of â€Å"The Lottery?† Positive thoughts including money, a new home, excitement, and happiness are all associated with the lottery in most cases. However, this is not the case in Shirley Jackson’s short story, â€Å"The Lottery†. Here, the characters in the story are not gambling for money, instead they are gambling for their life. A shock that surprises the reader as she unveils this horrifying tradition in the village on this beautifulRead MoreActs of Violence and Brutality Illustrated in Jacksons The Lottery and Hurstons Sweat1615 Words   |  7 Pagesstory? In examining â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson, and comparing it to â€Å"Sweat† by Zora Neale Hurston, I will illustrate how the acts of violence and brutality that we have read about represent deeper issues within society, specifically male dominance and female oppression. I will begin with a brief background of each story. â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson, is narrated in a third-person, objective point of view. Published in The New Yorker on June 28, 1948, â€Å"The Lottery is â€Å"Jackson’s best-known

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Finance in Tesco free essay sample

Liquidity plays an important role in the success or failure of business. In UK, 75-80% businesses collapse not because they are unprofitable but because of liquidity. For running a business successfully, plans have to be prepared to cope with the changing needs and these must be capable of modification. It is not good to wait until the end of the financial year to discover that the plan started to go wrong 11 months ago. For this purpose managers need information quickly, accurately and this information must reach to the concerned persons directly.They require financial analysis carried out weekly or monthly at least. Availability of funds is prerequisite to start any business. Most important sources of funds available to the organization are, * Equity capital- owner’s own saving * Long-term Loan, borrowed for period of five years or more * Short-term loan, borrowed for (1-4) years 1. Sources of Finance There are various sources of Finance for a business which can be categorized as External and Internal sources of Finance. 1. 1 Internal sources of Finance:These sources do not require the agreement of any other person, party or organization formally such as retained profits. The directors can use those profits in the company without the permission of shareholders. 1. 2 External sources of Finance: These financial sources require the agreement of some outsiders or beyond the Directors and company management. This type of finance adopts the shape of new share in which they require the agreement of potential shareholders. 1. 3 Permanent source of Finance:To get a good understanding of External sources of Finance, it is probably helpful to explain Long Term and Short Term External sources of Finance. Long term Finance can be explained as a source of income which is due for repayment after approximately one year. On the other hand, short term finance is due for repayment only within a year. Permanent capital is the funds obtained from the owners of the business either from their own resources or form the profits retained in the business instead of distributing them as dividends. Long Term capital is the borrowed money from either individuals or from the financial institutions that will have to be repaid at some time. It can be raised by the issue of different shares such as: * Ordinary Shares These shares can be defined as business risk capital which acts as the financial structure of a business. They are usually the owners of the business and appoint directors to act on their behalf. These shares have no fixed rate of dividends and they can be repaid after others or preferred shareholders being paid.They receive dividends if the profits are available to be divided. They are entitled to receive any return in the case of Business wound up after the others have been paid. Owing to the high risks associated with this form of sources of Finance, high rate of return is required. The potential returns of Ordinary shareholders are unlimited in the sense the after paying Preference shares remaining goes to Ordinary shares and they also enjoy the voting right to interfere directly in the election of directors and company governors. * Preference SharesThese shares have the fixed rate of dividends and usually they are given a dividend each year. In case of business wound up they are paid before Ordinary shareholders and they also have the right to claim over the Ordinary Shares. Preference share holders do not have the voting right to directly affect the company decisions * Long Term Capital Long-term capital is raised by borrowing from the money market such as: * Loans and Debentures Loan is another source of finance for a business. Long term loan can be obtained by banks and other financial institutions according to the Business needs.This source of finance is useful in the way that the amount of loan, term period and repayment terms and interests are ope n to negotiation. For instance, if the business does not need the whole payment immediately so it can take some of the total amount when it needs and interest will be due from that date and on that borrowed money only. So these term loans can be quite reasonable and flexible as to conditions. Long term loan can be achieved in the form of debenture which is in fact a document stating the number of units and due dates to be repaid. * Loan notesThese are the form of Loans as they are divided into units usually to be traded on Exchange. Their values change according to the business promotion and change in interest rates. In UK and USA these are known as bonds. Tesco Plc For the current assignment I am going to select Tesco Plc. That small business started in 1919 is become Europe’s largest grocery known as TESCO Plc. Tesco stores (holdings) were re-established in 1981 known as Tesco Plc. They popularized their slogan ‘Every little helps’ and they introduced a new value range in after 1991 (Tesco 2010).With the start of new Century, with the increasing trend of online shopping Tesco started its website and provided its customers with online shopping facilities and expanded its business on international level such as United States, China, India, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, and Czech Republic. Company provided a variety of products to get more popularity, for example, Tesco broadband, personal finance, clothing, Tesco Direct involving home furnishing and products, and music download industry (Tesco 2010). 2. 1 A Rationale for Choice of Tesco The reasons for the selection of Tesco are recent expansions.Over the last decade Tesco is expanding its business despite recession and downfall of share price in the grocery market. Tesco is known as one of the fastest growing retail giant over the last decade. According to Microsoft 2011, the sale growth of Tesco is slowed from 3. 5% in 2008 to 3% in 2009, 2. 6% in 2010 and just 1. 2% in the first few weeks of 2011. The expansion in Tesco business and minor downfall in sales growth despite recession are interesting factors that forced me to select Tesco Plc for the said assignment Financial Analysis of Tesco plc 3. 1 Economic Growth of TescoThe worldwide economic conditions have directly influenced the Tesco performance. But UK’s economic condition has played the principal and major role in its slowed down growth of sale that is indicated by the growth of GDP (Gross domestic product) that has fallen continuously in the years 2008 and 2009 with a slight recovery in 2009. 3. 2 Operational Performance of Tesco Any company’s operational performance is usually measured by its financials. By looking at its Grocery market share which has been decreased recently in the UK. In 2010 it was 31% last year there was no increase in this growth.According to Kaplan publishing UK F9, 2009 Earnings per share   indicates a companys profitability The following formula is used for its calculation EPS (? ) = Net profit Total number of Ordinary shares outstanding Graph 7: Earning per share of Tesco The financial statement of the company has been used to extract the data for the calculation of its earning per share. It is clear from the above graph that Tesco’s ratio was improving in the three year period. In 2008 Tesco’s ratio was 26. 95 pence per share that could be attributed to ordinary shareholders.Tesco’s ratio increased further and its earning per share ratio is 27. 14 p. Whereas Tesco profit increased as well as its share but it maintained its ratio to attract investors. Looking at Tesco’s 2010 performance, it did its best level in managing its operations. G. Asset Management According to Connexions 2010, for analyzing the speed of company’s resources being used as sales or converted to cash how quickly a companys resources (Connexions 2010) the Asset management is the best method of calculation. For example, Fixed assets turnover = Sales Net fixed assets Graph 8: Asset Management of TescoThe asset management ratio was fluctuating in both companies as shown in the above graph. By looking at the scenario, In 2008 Tesco’s assets management ratio was 1. 98 in 2008 In 2009 Tesco ratio decreased to 1. 68 in contrast Sainsbury ratio 2. 24 which is better than previous year. Moving forward to 2010 performance Tesco ratio decrease further to 1. 66 and Sainsbury ratio also fall at 2. 21 which was due to increase in asset which generate fewer sales. (Financial Statements 2008/09/10). Over all in asset management, Sainsbury was performing better than Tesco and was best utilizing its assets to generate sales as compare to Tesco.H. Liquidity Liquidity is another financial term meaning the rate of efficiency that an asset can be converted into cash to fulfil the business obligations. This can be measured by two types of ratios as: a. Current ratio = current assets ? current liabilities b. Quick ratio = current assets – closing inventory ? current liabilities Graph 9: Current ratio of Tesco Tesco’s he current ratio is described in the above graph. In 2008, 2009 and 2010 the current ratio of Tesco was 0. 61, 0. 71 and 0. 73 showing slightly increase in the performance of Tesco over the last three years.